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Gold in Education and Elite Sport

  •   Sportpedagogiek
  •   1 januari 2023 - 1 december 2024

4196 elite pupil- and student-athletes and 336 dual career support providers (DCSPs) from 9 different countries responded to an online survey on the perceived importance and possession of their dual career competences.

  • Lectoraat: Sportpedagogiek
  • Betrokken onderzoekers: prof. Dr. Nicolette Schipper- van Veldhoven, Marleen Haandrikman, MSc; internationale collega's 
  • Partners: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB); INSEP (Fr); Windesheim University; UAB; CONI (it); NOC*NSF (NL); Swedisch sportconfederation; University of Lublijana; Gdansk University; University of Stirling
  • Subsidie: Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Over het onderzoek

4196 elite pupil- and student-athletes and 336 dual career support providers (DCSPs) from 9 different countries responded to an online survey on the perceived importance and possessionof their dual career competences, both from a general (e.g. what competences are importantfor a successful dual career? and to what extent does one possess these competences?) and scenario-specific perspective (e.g. what competences are required when an exam coincideswith an important competition?).

In addition, 42 DCSPs were questioned during focus groupsand/or face-to-face interviews about how they support elite athletes during their dual ‘elitesport and study’ career pathway. Based on the collected results and expertise of the consortium, the GEES expert group developed a handbook for DCSPs.

This handbook disseminates a selection of the (research)results and products of the GEES project, and includes DC competence lists, DC competenceprofiles, DC methods and DC instruments that are likely to contribute to DCSPs’ specific(daily) practice with elite pupil- and student-athletes in the field of data collection,intervention, and evaluation. 

Aanleiding onderzoek

One of the main challenges athletes face is combining education and high-level sport (EUGuidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes, 2012). In order to assist 15 to 25-year-old athletespreparing to achieve a successful dual career ‘education and elite sport’ pathway, and to assistdual career support providers with a view of optimizing the quality of their support andinitiating new sustainable services, the ‘Gold in Education and Elite Sport’ (GEES) projectwas initiated in 2015.

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Meer weten? 

Neem contact op met: prof. Dr. Nicolette Schipper- van Veldhoven
E-mail: in nieuw tabblad)