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BESST (Building European Safe Sport Together)

  •   Sportpedagogiek
  •   1 januari 2023 - 1 december 2024

Building European Safe Sport Together is a project that aims to deliver the foundation for a harassment and abuse-free European Sports environment.

  • Lectoraat: Sportpedagogiek
  • Betrokken onderzoekers: prof. Dr. Nicolette Schipper- van Veldhoven, Marleen Haandrikman, MSc; internationale collega's 
  • Partners: European Olympic Academies (EOA), IGNITX, Windesheim, Rudi Hiti Academy, UEFA Foundation for Children, NOC*NSF/CVSN, National Olympic Committee of Slovenia
  • Subsidie: Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Over het onderzoek

Building European Safe Sport Together(opent in nieuw tabblad) is a project that aims to deliver the foundation for a harassment and abuse-free European Sports environment. With strong partners delivering the academic support, continent-wide network of organizations for dissemination, legal and project management, events delivery and sports organizations, the project has a full circle range of professionals with four key deliveries that will effectively raise the maturity of the European sports on its safeguarding readiness.

Aanleiding onderzoek

Unsafe sport is an international problem, with outrages coverd in the media. 


Project BESST aims to raise awareness and foster a shared responsibility among all sports actors to ensure a safe environment for everyone in the sports community.

  1. development of a singel definition of abuse and harassment;
  2. legal framework for sportorganisations;
  3. awareness toolkit;
  4. legal framework for events

Publicaties en opbrengsten

Meer weten? 

Neem contact op met: Marleen Haandrikman, MSc
E-mail: in nieuw tabblad)